4.3. 3D catalog

3D models are stored in the in-app catalog. It is split into the following categories:

  • All

  • Animals & Pets

  • Animated

  • Architecture

  • Art & Abstract

  • Books

  • Cars & vehicles

  • Characters & Creatures

  • Cultural Heritage & History

  • Downloaded Models

  • Electronics & Gadgets

  • Fashion & Style

  • Food & Drink

  • Furniture & Home

  • Last for 24h

  • Memes

  • Most popular

  • Music

  • My Models (that you uploaded)

  • Nature & Plants

  • News & Politics

  • Other

  • People

  • Places & Travel

  • Realistic

  • Recent

  • Rooms

  • Science & Technology

  • Smart objects

  • Sports & Fitness

  • Toys

  • Utensils

  • Weapons & Military

Last updated